Recipes ginger for potency men

Ginger for potency of men, the recipes of which can be found on the Internet is a highly effective folk remedy that helps men to increase their male power and lead to delight any woman. Ginger and potency – a combination which for many decades enjoyed great popularity among folk healers.

ginger and potency

Composition and useful properties of ginger

Ginger is a plant that grows throughout southern Asia. For centuries, ginger root for potency is one of the strongest aphrodisiacs – it is part of many teas and infusions with stimulating effect. The plant can be used fresh, pickled or dried form, it does not affect its effectiveness.

It is not surprising that recipes with this healing plant is extremely popular among men of different ages who are faced with such unpleasant phenomena as the deterioration of potency. But before you can use ginger for impotence , please consult a doctor as any medicinal plant has a number of its indications and contraindications.

Answering the question of how ginger affects the potency, it is necessary to pay special attention to the composition and useful properties of the southern root:

  • vitamins, vital for the male body – A, b, C, E, K;
  • fats, proteins and carbohydrates;
  • fiber;
  • the trace elements needed for potency calcium, magnesium, sodium, selenium, iron, phosphorus, copper;
  • amino acids;
  • acids – oleic, nicotinic, Caprylic, linoleic;
  • antioxidants and essential oils.

Thanks to its unique composition ginger for men recipes for the potency of which is presented below, is used to improve erectile function.

Exotic root has many useful properties, which are indispensable for the male body – its regular use helps to normalize and improve functioning of the immune, nervous, digestive, cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine, and reproductive systems.

How ginger affects the potency?

Many men who are faced with sexual problems, I am interested, what is the impact of ginger on male potency. Folk healers recommend men to use a healing root in such cases is to normalize the body weight and quickly get rid of extra pounds, the treatment of various diseases of the genitourinary system, to increase the level of testosterone in the male body.

Ginger for male potency very useful, because it has a positive impact on erectile function:

  1. Cleansing blood vessels and activating blood circulation in the pelvic organs, which is very useful for the condition of the genitals.
  2. Treatment and prevention of many diseases of the prostate gland, which negatively affect sexual life.
  3. Prevention of premature ejaculation.
  4. Improving testosterone production, which positively affects the quality of sex life.

For many men, impotence is associated with constant stress – the use of ginger root helps to normalize the functioning of the Central nervous system, improve sleep.

Organic acids, which are part of exotic plants, put in order the status of the hormonal system, improves erectile function and increasing the duration of sexual intercourse. Ginger from prostatitis and impotence improves the quality and brightness of the orgasm.

Important! Ginger is an effective folk remedy for preventing the formation of cancer cells. The use of infusions and drinks from medicinal plants gives strength and energy after these people for a long time remains fresh and active.

the effect of ginger on the potency

Recipes to increase potency with ginger

Answering the question, does the ginger in the potency, it should be remembered that traditional medicine offers many recipes with a stimulating effect, which includes healing rhizome.

Wondering how to take ginger for potency, men should know that this medicinal plant can be used in dried form, for example, as a condiment to the main courses or desserts. Also the rhizome can be taken in pickled form. It is important to remember that the maximum permissible dose of dried plants should not exceed 2–3G of raw – not more than 15 g.

Ginger for potency, the recipe of which is presented below, it is recommended to include in your daily diet every man that has a desire to improve their sexual performance. For this purpose, a few grams of dried rhizomes need to add to fish, meat or pastry dishes. Also on the basis of preparing a unique sauce that contains honey.

Fresh ginger should be grated on a grater and take ½ teaspoon 2-3 times per day. To improve the taste, to plants add vegetable oil, parsley or other greens, a few drops of natural lemon juice or vinegar. You can add other natural ingredients in its sole discretion. Significant positive results can be seen only with the regular use of medicinal root.

Medicinal drinks for potency

On the question of how to take ginger to increase potency, many healers advise men to pay attention to the treatment of drinks, which includes this useful root.

Ginger for potency, reviews which are positive, can be taken as a tea. Method of preparation may be varied:

Ginger and honey for potency is 1.5-2 liters of water bring to a boil, pour in the liquid and finely grated ginger root and boil for 15 minutes on low heat, then add a little honey and lemon juice. Tea is recommended to drink a glass after each meal.

An answer to the question, how to brew ginger for potency, could be the next drink – a spoonful of pre-chopped root pour 1 liter of boiling water, add the juice of half a lemon, cinnamon and sugar, leave to infuse for half an hour, to drink as a normal tea.

In Turku, you need to add the ginger powder, cardamom, cinnamon in equal parts (1.5 teaspoon per 250 ml water) and mix, cook as ordinary coffee.

The most popular components in intimate problems is ginger, lemon and honey – recipe for potency may be several others. Medicinal rhizome should be rubbed on a fine grater, then pour 1 liter of water and simmer on low heat for 15 minutes. The drink is recommended to add a tablespoon of honey and juice of a large lemon. Once the liquid has cooled, it is necessary to pour 1 l of cool boiled water and drink throughout the day like lemonade.

Ginger with honey and lemon for impotence

Using ginger for potency in men recipes stimulants can also include honey and fresh lemon juice. Ginger with honey for the potency of well increases the effectiveness of folk remedies for the treatment of erectile dysfunction.

But thinking about how ginger acts on the potency, men need to remember that when adding boiling water to honey, the product loses almost all of its positive properties. For this reason, in order to learn how to prepare ginger root for potency, honey it is recommended to add in warm or cold liquid.

Ginger root is thoroughly crushed, and then connect it with the same amount of honey. After that, the mixture was left for 7 days in a dark and cool place and take a tablespoon before each meal.

Many men are wondering how to use ginger for potency – an excellent solution could be the dried root of the medicinal plants. It must be crushed into powder, then ½ teaspoon to connect with a spoonful of honey product, pour in a glass of cool boiled water and drink once a day, preferably in the evening before bedtime.

Root with honey and lemon is the best solution for those men who are wondering how to prepare ginger for potency. The recipe of a medicine is very simple: in a small glass jar, mix a tablespoon of ginger root, grated and honey. Thereafter, the resulting mass should add the juice of 1-2 lemons, is a mixture of 2 tablespoons after a meal.

Pickled ginger for men

pickled ginger

Pickled ginger for potency – effective folk remedy that helps to improve the quality of sex life and the duration of sexual intercourse. Of course, this product can be bought in any supermarket, but you can prepare at home. Pickled ginger, made with his own hands, as it completely lacks any preservatives or chemical additives.

Cook: small beets and ginger root is cleaned and cut in small pieces, put in a glass bowl thick layers. Next, you should boil on low heat 1 liter of water, add one spoon of sugar and salt, pour the marinade the beets and ginger, pour on the half hour.

After the specified time the liquid from the vessel is drained, add a tablespoon of sugar and ½ Cup of rice vinegar. After this, the tank should be tightly seal and leave in a cool place for 2 days. In order to understand how ginger root affects the potency, it is recommended to add to the finished dish and use as a garnish.

Answering the question, how to use ginger to increase potency, folk medicine advises to use another recipe with red wine. Ginger and beets, cut into thin wedges 1 kg pour 5 litres of clean water, then add a tablespoon of salt and leave for insisting for 40-45 minutes. In the marinade you need to pour 2-3 tablespoons of granulated sugar, add one Cup rice vinegar and same amount of red wine. After the mixture infused in a dark and dry place for 5-7 hours, it is used as seasoning for various dishes.

Ginger liqueur with vodka

Tincture of ginger with vodka to increase the potency helps to get rid of erectile dysfunction is provided that men are no any contraindications to the use of alcohol folk remedies.

600-700 g of the rhizome you need to chop to grate or mince, then pour the resulting mass in 0.5 l. vodka and mix thoroughly. After that, the medicine should be left for infusion for 2 weeks out of direct sunlight. The drink is recommended to stir every 2 days, then strain and add a spoonful of honey and sugar. The tool must take ½ teaspoon morning and evening.

There is another way of preparing ginger to increase potency in men, the recipe for which you can use at home. For the preparation of a remedy in a glass jar need to pour a bottle of vodka, add 2 chopped lemon and 2 tablespoons of ginger root. The tincture should be left in a dark place for infusion for 14 days, do not forget to regularly stir the vessel. Strain and add 2 tablespoons of honey. Alcohol tincture is recommended to drink 2 tablespoons 3 times a day.


Tincture of ginger for potency, which enjoys great popularity among connoisseurs of folk medicine, approved for use only after prior consultation with the doctor. This is because the effect of ginger on male potency can be negative. That is why every representative of a strong half of mankind should know about contraindications and side effects of ginger recipes.

recipes with ginger

Main contraindications:

  • stomach ulcer or duodenum;
  • gastritis, colitis;
  • pathology of the cardiovascular system;
  • stones in the bladder.

Ginger impotence, recipes of which are presented above, it is recommended to use in strictly limited quantities. In case if a person in trying in the shortest possible time to improve your sexual performance will take too big dose of folk remedies, which include ginger, it can lead to various side effects – pain, discomfort and burning sensation in the stomach, headaches and dizziness, feelings of nausea, weakness and malaise.

Also tincture of ginger for potency it is not recommended when the tendency to allergic reactions, inflammatory processes, accompanied by a rise in body temperature. Significant contraindications to the use is considered to be the intolerance of active components included in the composition of medicinal plants.

Doctors also have a positive attitude to various recipes to increase potency, which includes ginger root. But they stress that any remedy is highly effective only in the absence of contraindications and when used correctly. Therefore, before using tinctures, tea or other recipes with curative root be sure to consult with a specialist.